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AI for Sustainability

Powering sustainable development through AI.

  • AI for Sustainability (AI4SUS) is an interdisciplinary research group, leaded by Professor Guoming Tang since 2024, with members from HKUST(GZ), CUHK(SZ), SUSTech and SDU.
  • Vision and Mission: We are dedicated to pioneering sustainable solutions through artificial intelligence, focusing on smart energy management and environmental conservation. Our mission is to develop cutting-edge AI technologies that enable more efficient and sustainable use of energy resources across various domains. Our goal is to bridge the gap between artificial intelligence and sustainable development, creating practical solutions that contribute to a more energy-efficient and environmentally conscious future.
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Recent News

  • Nov. 2024: Our paper on real-world NILM system deployment won the Best Paper Award of SustainCom'24. [link]
  • Sept. 2024: Our work on NILM systems got accepted to SustainCom'24. [link][page]
  • Jun. 2024: Our work on low-carbon edge computing system got accepted to ICPP'24. [link][page]
  • Mar. 2024: One paper got accepted to IEEE TPDS. [page]
  • Jan. 2024: Two papers got accepted to IEEE Network and TMC, respectively.